miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

US - Smart leadership can keep the nation ahead of China

How to prevent the U.S. from going to hell 
in a handbasket - while outpacing China

We recently learned that China is poised to replace the United States 
as the No. 1 economic power in the world sometime later this year. 

Our anemic quarterly growth rate of 0.1 percent certainly lends credence to this speculation. We must seriously question those who say our nation is not in decline. They are adopting the ostrich strategy and sticking their heads in the sand.

There is no question that America is the pinnacle nation of the world currently and is likely to remain in that position for several years, given our military strength and the depth and stability of our financial infrastructure. However, overconfidence is the frequent companion of catastrophic decline, as confirmed by numerous historical writings. 
If we continue our fiscally irresponsible ways, coupled with our arrogance, there exists no other possibility than self-ruination.
Our ability to print money is already in jeopardy as some other nations have begun making noises about altering the international reserve-currency system to emphasize multiple currencies, elevating their status and decreasing the strength of the U.S. dollar. 
Our ever-increasing national debt would then place us on shaky ground. 
The Treasury securities we have been offering to China and others would no longer hold the same appeal, and all the borrowing we have done against the financial well-being of our progeny will come back to plague us and them.

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