sábado, 17 de mayo de 2014

Our only chance for a true recovery of a healthy economy and society ...

The immense folly of the government run public schools is lost on American citizens blinded by misplaced trust in the false promises of a bankrupt educational system. 

The utilitarian social utopians who designed the curriculum rejected the original promises of an authentic education based on principles and replaced them with the calculating schemes promising to prepare a commercial workforce with the requisite skills to usher the United States into a prosperous economic future. For decades the public schools have promised to produce America’s best and brightest by endowing all students with critical thinking skills, problems solving skills, reading skills, writing skills, interpersonal skills and communication skills sure to prove our students qualified competitors in the workplace. The schools have wholly failed!

The promises are false, completely false, because those in the public schools have no idea how a human being ends with the above promised skills; thus proving further that they have no idea what an education is. Another element that insures the falsity of these promises is the wretched misapplication of empirical science in designing and implementing modern curriculum. Further exacerbating the demise of public education is that the entire structure is built on the premise of a false anthropology cut off from moral and divine agency. This false anthropology is relentlessly propagated by a popular culture in the grip of intractable materialism.

The grand irony concerning the false promises of public education is that what is pouring forth from the schools are millions of humans bereft of an authentic education and lacking the very skills promised. In fact, the opposite is actively taught by an army of ill-prepared educators. The public schools explicitly teach “how to read” and students end formally illiterate. They explicitly teach “how to write and they end incompetent writers. They explicitly teach communication and most public high school graduates can’t hold a mediocre conversation. Problem solving? Forget about it! Critical thinking skills? This is a monstrosity requiring its own essay! Empty skill sets are taught and forgotten because the very way a human acquires skills has faded from memory and use in the public schools.


Read more: www.theimaginativeconservative.org

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