miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

Whereas ancient philosophers were of the mind that the universe had existed forever, modern science now knows “there is a definite beginning.”

Israeli Scientists: 
New Big Bang
Evidence Supports Creationism

This week’s announcement that scientists had finally confirmed the existence of gravitational waves rippling through the universe, thereby bolstering the Big Bang Theory, would presumably be a blow to those who believe in the Bible.

Not so, Professor Nathan Aviezer of Israel’s Bar Ilan University told The Times of Israel.

“Without addressing who or what caused it, the mechanics of the creation process in the Big Bang match the Genesis story perfectly,” Aviezer explained. “The universe had a definite starting point - a creation - as described in the Book of Genesis. To deny this now is to deny scientific fact.”


Read more: www.israeltoday.co.il

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