jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014

New York - Education: the pipeline of taxpayer money flowing to De Blasio and the Democratic Party through the teachers union will not be parted with willingly

De Blasio’s War on Minority Education

One of the biggest challenges to the miserable status quo of public school education is taking place in New York City. 
  • On one side are leftists like Mayor Bill De Blasio, Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña, and NAACP President Hazel Dukes. Along with their allies in city government and the teachers unions, they want to keep city children, especially minority children, in the failing, Democrat-run public school quagmire. 
  • On the other side are the advocates of school choice and charter schools that have provided poor minority students with superior educations that threaten the status quo. Their champion is Eva Moskowitz and her Success Academy Charter Schools. 

The former group embraces the status quo of languishing students and bleak futures. The latter group embraces hope and change.

We begin with the Mayor. 

De Blasio, who promised to close some charter schools during his election campaign, made good on that pledge in February, when he closed three charter schools run by fellow Democrat, but arch-nemesis, Eva Moskowitz. Moskowitz’s crime? 

  • The 6,700 students at her 22 Success Academy Charter Schools scored in the top 1 percent in math and top 7 percent in English on the most recent state test. 
  • These are students who come overwhelmingly from poor, minority families, who overcame the achievement gap progressives regularly bemoan. 
  • Even “worse,” four in five charters in the Big Apple outperformed comparable schools, posing a dire threat to the aforementioned status quo of dismal results. 

Dismal results that would be held up as a national disgrace were it not for campaign contributions provided to Democratic politicians who continue to con New Yorkers and other Americans with promises of “reform” that never happen.

De Blasio didn’t stop with Moskowitz. Since becoming Mayor, he cut off funding for all charter school construction that was to occur after 2015, and announced a “moratorium” on co-locating charters in existing schools.


Read more: www.frontpagemag.com

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