miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

Watch live - Smoke rises from Independence Square in Kiev after a night of violent clashes between the Ukrainian government forces and protesters

Ukraine protests: 
demonstrators dig in for last stand 

Thick, dark smoke rose above the center of the Ukrainian capital amid the boom of police stun grenades Wednesday, as officers in riot gear sought to push demonstrators away from the city's main square following deadly clashes between police and protesters that have left at least 25 people dead and hundreds injured and raised fears of a civil war.

After several hours of relative calm, confrontation flared up again Wednesday afternoon, with hundreds of police amassing on the edges of Independence Square, known as the Maidan, throwing stun grenades and using water cannons in a bid to disperse protesters. Thousands of activists armed with fire bombs and rocks held their ground, defending the square which has been bastion and symbol for the demonstrators.


Read more: http://www.telegraph.co.uk

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