lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

If you don’t bother to pay attention or even vote, you get a liberal in the White House and a bunch of them in Congress.

When you give liberals the Oval Office

Presidents Day is an apt reminder of how far left the nation has veered

On Presidents Day, we honor those men who helped start and guide our nation. Their leadership got us through the American Revolution, the Civil War, the Great Depression, two world wars and the Cold War.

Until recently, they all seemed to understand what makes America exceptional. But now, we’re not in Kansas anymore.

You know that clever ad by a satellite-dish company that shows what happens to a man who gets bored waiting for the cable guy?

As with the children’s books that began with “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie,” the man endures a series of mishaps, the final one showing his elderly dad getting punched over a can of soup during a riot. The tagline is, “Don’t let your dad get punched over a can of soup.”

It’s a perfect analogy to the spiraling tyranny of centralized mismanagement epitomized by Obamacare and other rogue federal programs under President Obama. Here’s how it goes:

If you don’t bother to pay attention or even vote, you get a liberal in the White House and a bunch of them in Congress. When you get liberals in power, you get bad laws. When you have bad laws, you need penalties to ensure compliance. When you have more penalties, you need more enforcers. When you have more enforcers, you lose your freedom to run your business. When you can’t run your business, you lay off people.

When you lay off people, they go on welfare and food stamps. When they go on welfare and food stamps, they vote for lawmakers who will give them more free stuff. To pay for more free stuff, the government raises taxes and borrows money from China to service the national debt. When China crooks its finger, Uncle Sam crawls to Beijing, asking for mercy. Don’t make Uncle Sam crawl to Beijing asking for mercy.

This fictitious ad was inspired by the news that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has warned medium-sized companies that they must certify — under penalty of perjury — that Obamacare was not a motivating factor in laying off employees.


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