viernes, 3 de enero de 2014

Stronger families should be at the heart of any agenda to create a world where prosperity and human flourishing are maximized

Why intact families are key
 to shared American prosperity

National Marriage Project at and the Institute for American Values
National Marriage Project at and the Institute for American Values
Family structure is often neglected when policymakers discuss income mobility, stagnation, and inequality. But it matters a lot whether kids, especially ones in working class and lower-income families, grow up with both biological parents.
Those who don’t, writes social scientist Lane Kenworthy in his new book, Social Democratic America, fare worse on a “host of outcomes, from school completion to staying out of prison to earning more in adulthood.” W. Bradford Wilcox, director of the National Marriage Project and a visiting AEI scholar, writes that when it comes to economic mobility, the “intact, two-parent family seems to be particularly important for children hailing from less privileged homes … .” 

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