sábado, 18 de enero de 2014

Evangelii Gaudium: the Gloating Left, the Enforcers, the Faithful Questioners, the Silly and Straw Men

By Austin Ruse 

The world is obsessed with, really cannot get enough of the Catholic Church. And the new pope has the world blushing like a schoolgirl – as TIME’s choice of him as Person of the Year Wednesday confirmed. Mostly, it’s because he seems – to certain people – to have kicked the “right wing” in the keister, first with abortion, then with homosexuality, and now with economics in Evangelii Gaudium. I don’t know of another papal document, exceptHumanae Vitae, that has so intensely interested the world.

Whole Schools of Francis have sprung up. There are probably more, but I count four main ones: the Gloating Left, the Enforcers, the Faithful Questioners, the Silly and Straw Men.

Rush Limbaugh heads the last group, though he is more straw man than silly. He called the document “Marxist.” Well, who cares? The answer is everyone who wants to bash Catholics who are politically conservative. They haven’t been able to get enough of those few paragraphs spoken by Limbaugh, who by the way loves the Catholic Church.

The Silly is an unfortunate guy named Adam Shaw, a video-game reviewer who wrote a ridiculous piece for Fox that said Francis “will prove a disaster for the Catholic Church.” It may be the last time you ever hear of him, but you would think he was the most influential “right-wing” Catholic ever.

The Gloating Left believes this document is the final comeuppance for all the “right-wing” Cafeteria Catholics.


Read more: www.thecatholicthing.org

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