domingo, 26 de enero de 2014

Dealing With Debt: “ it is immoral for governments to make promises they cannot fulfill”

Dealing With Debt — and Stewardship 

by Kathryn Jean Lopez

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“This coming month and every month to come, more or less, this government will spend $300 billion a month. That’s a lot of money. It’s more than any government has ever spent in the history of man,” Florida’s Republican Sen. Marco Rubio said in a closing speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate, before August recess.

The speech came at the end of the Treasury-declared Aug. 2 deadline debt-ceiling debate in the Senate and helped put the whole fight in some context.

“$180 billion of that $300 billion is money that we collect from the people of our country through taxes and fees and other ways,” Rubio, a freshman senator, continued. “But we borrow $120 billion a month to pay our $300 billion-a-month bill.”

“And that’s just too much money,” he said. “That’s too much money for Republicans; it’s too much money for Democrats. It’s just too much money.”

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