jueves, 9 de enero de 2014

Are empty promises of ‘income inequality’ the best Obama’s party can do?

‘Economic fairness’ didn’t work 
for Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot

By Donald Lambro

Why are Democrats embracing it? Are empty promises of
 ‘income inequality’ the best Obama’s party can do?

President Obama and the Democrats desperately need a political issue to distract struggling, jobless Americans from their economic misery. They think “income inequality” and raising the minimum wage is the answer to their problems.

However, the yawning income gap between the wealthy and the middle class is not the cause of our lingering economic troubles. It is a symptom of the president’s failed economic policies. Raising the minimum wage to $10 an hour won’t help, either. It will only make things worse, as employers find ways to cut their payroll costs.

The United States needs stronger economic growth, in the 5 percent a year range, that leads to increased job-creating capital investment. These terms are not in Mr. Obama’s vocabulary, though, let alone in his policies.

Battered by a so-so economy, in which 11 million people remain unemployed, and by a botched health care reform plan, the president is said to be retooling his class-warfare rhetoric to pump up his disappointed and dispirited political base.

The issue of “economic fairness” worked for him in the 2012 election, and Mr. Obama and Democratic leaders think it can work for them again in this year’s midterm elections.

It can’t, and it won’t. This time around, the polls show a growing number of voters aren’t buying his class-warfare demagoguery any longer. Take a look at his declining job-approval scores, and you’ll see why.


Read more: www.washingtontimes.com

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