jueves, 23 de enero de 2014

Abortion has become a national political issue. Initially, the abortion issue split both parties. More recently, it has come to define them

Abortion defines the political parties, 41 years after Roe v. Wade

By Michael Barone

Abortion advocates have long argued that a woman should have control over her body. But these people, many of whom argue that conservatives ignore science on other issues, ignore science on this one.

Science tells us that the fetus and the mother have different DNA, that they are separate people and not part of the mother's body, over which advocates insist she have control. A fetus is not the equivalent of a mother's fingernail.

Sonograms, unavailable in 1973, reinforce that impression. Their availability may be making abortion less attractive to young women.

The murder conviction of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell showed that restrictions on abortion clinics are needed and are not just “a war on women.”

Justice Blackmun thought he settled the abortion issue forever. Forty-one years later, the debate goes on.


Read more: www.aei.org

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