martes, 31 de diciembre de 2013

Washington's appetite for hard power capabilities is not shrinking. "Do ever more with less" is, unfortunately, the only expectation the Joint Chiefs should harbor as they seek to manage a smaller force for the future

5 lessons for the Pentagon from 2013

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey asked Congress this year: "What do you want your military to do?"

The takeaway for defense leaders is that policymakers want to fund a defense budget that does less but a military that is just as engaged around the world, ready to act when needed and fully capable when ordered to fight and win.

1. Sequestration's slow burn will continue, even with the recent budget deal

2. Hagel offers only a glimpse of the grim choices ahead for the Pentagon

3. Policymakers will continue to punt on serious bureaucratic reform at the Defense Department

4. Loss of traditional defense coalition on Capitol Hill will continue to hurt

5. Mission relief is not coming for the U.S. military as budgets fall


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