viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2013

The real question is not what China and South Korea will do. The question is, rather: Why now?

Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe (pronounced “Ah-bay”) 
has just visited Yasukuni Shrine, Ground Zero for political 
controversy with China and Seoul. 

  • In doing so, he has all but acknowledged that a cold war exists between Japan and its northeast-Asian neighbors China and South Korea. 
  • It’s a shot across the bow of both countries, boldly, perhaps recklessly, announcing that Japan will no longer seek better relations on their terms. 
  • Nor does he have the support of the United States. 
  • Abe is putting Japan on a path of increasing diplomatic self-reliance, but doing so with the belief that it is the right response to continued tensions with Beijing and Seoul. 
  • That it will inflame those tensions, he is well aware.

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