miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013

Democrats have always depended on the Catholic vote. The abortion mandate has persuaded many they were duped.

Why are Catholics furious?

By Anne Hendershott

Most faithful Catholics predicted this would happen. Yet, progressive Catholics such as Monsignor Jenkins actually believed that the president would respect religious freedom.

Progressive Catholic groups such as the George Soros-supported Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good helped Mr. Obama win the presidency in 2008 by convincing a majority of Catholics (54 percent) that he was truly the pro-life candidate because he would eradicate poverty as the reason for abortion.

Those days are over. While we do not have recent polling data on Catholics specifically, it is likely that Catholics are joining the majority who no longer trust the president to tell them the truth. Recent CNN polling data reveals that 53 percent of those surveyed think that Mr. Obama is not honest or trustworthy, and 56 percent of respondents said they did not admire him.

Read more: www.washingtontimes.com

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