martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013

Australia: how rapidly politicians’ views on gay marriage have shifted

Don’t be so sure about the issue du jour, 
says The Australian

The Australian newspaper today declared its pragmatic opposition to same-sex marriage. With Opposition Leader Tony Abbott (who wrote its editorials once upon a time), it regards the current campaign as a fad. “Marriage is not a right,” the paper contends. “It is among other things a contractual set of obligations attached to the raising of a family”.

Furthermore, it is a policy demanded by a very small minority which is fiercely opposed by other minorities. “We must be cautious too of elevating the sensitivities of one minority group above those of others. Same-sex marriage is not easily embraced by Islamic and other non-Western cultures where loyalty to family and tradition trump Western notions of liberties and rights.”

This is not exactly a repudiation of same-sex marriage; in fact, it is merely a “I’m busy; ring back on Monday” sort of argument. But at least it puts the paper on record as opposing one of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s central policies as the September 7 election approaches.

However, the editorial does a great service in drawing attention to how rapidly politicians’ views on gay marriage have shifted. Did you remember, for instance, that former Labor Prime Minister Paul Keating, a genius at invective, sneered that two blokes and a cocker spaniel do not make a family? Those were the bad old days, before the current PM introduced a kinder, gentler style of politics.

But the prize exhibit is a 1999 speech in Federal Parliament by Senator Brian Greig, the first openly homosexual member of the Australian Parliament.


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