martes, 20 de agosto de 2013

A victim of bad catechesis and bad preaching?

On Denying the Eucharist to Gay Couples

Yet another priest is under fire for enforcing Canon 915, the codicil of canon law that regulates who may receive Communion; or to put it more precisely, who may not receive Holy Communion and the reasons for that prohibition.

It seems that Father Brian Sistare, of Sacred Heart Church in Woonsocket, R.I., has done the unforgivable, at least by the lights of Enlightened Opinion and its pink auxiliary, Organized Sodomy. Sistare told two parishioners at the church they may not partake of the Body and Blood of our Lord. And why did he do that? Because they are homosexuals who claimed to have been “married” in 2007.

The trouble began, according to a leftist political website, when Lew Pryeor and Pierre Leveillee offered Sistare what they believe to have been some fraternal correction. Pryeor “went to Sacred Heart on Monday to talk to Sistare about his politically conservative sermons,” the website reported. “After suggesting that Sistare not alienate parishioners with the priest’s personal politics, Pryeor said Sistare informed him that he would not give him communion anymore because his marriage to Leveillee is not recognized by the church.”

Granted Sistare has refused comment, and so we hear only one side of the story. But that really doesn’t make much difference. He seems to be standing on firm ground, as would any priest who advised someone living in sin not to present himself for Holy Communion. Indeed, Sistare privatelyremonstrated with Pryeor, who claims he and his “husband” (or is it wife?) have been members of many parishes and were always “accepted.” On Aug. 5, the day of the meeting, Pryeor attackedSistare on Facebook, receiving the predictable accolades and encouragement from assorted friends and fellow travelers, who trashed the priest and Holy Mother Church. Pryeor, not the priest, publicized the matter.


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