sábado, 15 de junio de 2013

Domination by the Castros has accelerated since Chavez’s death...

The ‘Cubanization’ of Venezuela

By Jose R. Cardenas

One of the greatest ironies of the late strongman Hugo Chavez’s rule was that even as he attempted to personify Venezuelan nationalism, he was quietly outsourcing more and more of the country’s sovereignty to the Castro brothers in Cuba

Today, with conditions in the country spiraling after April’s tainted election to guarantee the continuation of Chavismo, Cuba’s flagrant interference in Venezuelan affairs has become downright obscene.

As Venezuela’s former ambassador to the United Nations, Diego Arria, put it recently: 

  • Venezuela is an occupied country. 
  • The Venezuelan regime is a puppet controlled by the Cubans. 
  • It is no longer Cuban tutelage; it is control.”

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