jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013

It is easy to blame Twitter and Facebook and other social media for the simplistic modes of thought that we see on display in tweets and status updates. How can anyone say anything worthwhile in 140 characters or less?


On May 2, 2013, Rhode Island, the most Catholic of these United States, joined the rest of New England in declaring that the sky is green and the grass is blue—or, rather, that a man can marry a man, and a woman can marry a woman, which amounts to the same thing.

The two main sources of news for many Americans today—Twitter and Facebook—exploded with messages like the following:

Today makes it official! Now ALL of my friends & family
 in my home state of RI can marry the ones they love if they wish. #LoveIsLove #RI4m

The author of this particular tweet was Erin Saiz Hanna ‏(@erinsaizhanna), the executive director of the Women’s Ordination Conference (“A Voice for Women in the Catholic Church”), whose Twitter feed is full of similarly deep thoughts about women’s ordination (of course), gun control, the injustice of the FDA not approving Plan B for sale in gumball machines, and every other liberal cause du jour. From what I can tell from her brief messages as well as her longer writings elsewhere (and her interviews from Rome, where she and her fellow women-priest-wannabes staged “pink smoke” rallies during the papal conclave in March), the 33-year-old mother of a 22-month-old is reasonably intelligent and well spoken—though, of course, completely and utterly wrong in everything she says. Those who wonder why the Church in Rhode Island wasn’t able to convince Catholics there to oppose the legalization of the unlegalizable can find the answer in Hanna’s biography on the Women’s Ordination Conference website: During the years when she taught middle school religious studies for the Catholic Diocese of Rhode Island, Hanna was also in the leadership of the Rhode Island chapter of the National Organization for Women. Church leaders who saw no problem with that are hardly in a position now to convince Hanna (or anyone else) about the impossibility of women’s ordination or gay marriage.


Read more: www.crisismagazine.com

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