sábado, 13 de abril de 2013

If unmarried, same-sex couples signing a “Declaration of Domestic Partnership” get special rights, status and benefits associated with marriage, how can the Defense Department not provide the same benefits to opposite-sex couples who are living together?

Hoisting a rainbow flag over the Pentagon

By Elaine Donnelly

Today’s military surrenders to new forms of coupling

Military lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender activists can hardly wait for the Supreme Court to declare the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional. According to a Politico story titled “For LGBT Troops, DOMA Ruling a Pocketbook Issue,” if the Supreme Court does not issue a sweeping ruling in their favor, these groups will pressure Congress to pass legislation authorizing marriage benefits for homosexual couples. 

This suggests that if the courts or Congress abolish the act, which defines marriage as the bond of one man and one woman, a new class of potentially “entitled” beneficiaries will expect to draw funds from shrinking Defense Department family support accounts. The potential cost of expanding military medical Tricare expenditures, which have nearly tripled since 2001, could be enormous.


Read more: www.washingtontimes.com

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