martes, 1 de enero de 2013

The more man tries to erase mystery from the world, the more mysterious the world becomes

Faith: The Perfect Human Science


On Oct. 11, 2012, Pope Benedict declared a Year of Faith for the Catholic world. This was in response to the growing secularism pervading nations which formerly were overwhelmingly Christian. The world of the late 20th and early 21st century suffers from two basic flaws, a loss of the sense of personal responsibility in morals and a loss of absolute truths.

Everything is seen as relative. There seems to be nothing to grasp firmly. This situation is a direct result of a Promethean acceptance of reason and progress as though these things alone can guarantee the final solution of the problem of human truth and even more of human evil. Even more, the affirmation that man can rival God through technology and be the captain of his own soul has mesmerized the human race, befogging the mind and deadening the soul to the good for which God has created man: union with him.

Coupled with this, even in the Catholic Church, there has been a great loss of catechesis caused by the theological questioning that often follows a great council such as Vatican II. This, too, has caused a general desertion of the strength and confidence once offered to so many millions through the holy Catholic faith.


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