viernes, 18 de enero de 2013

Sometimes I think I’m an ideologue, sometimes I think I’m a pragmatist, but at all times I wish I was principle centered. So I tried to explore what each of those things is … Let me know what you think.

A Brief Political Catechesis
on Ideologues, Pragmatists and Principles

How many groups are there in politics?
Let’s say there are three: Ideologues, pragmatistsand principle-centered people.
How are they distinguished in their vision of the truth?
Ideologues think they own the truth. They say: “If you disagree with me you oppose me!”
Pragmatists see truth as a spectrum. They say: “Don’t go too far to the right or left!”
Principle-centered people see truth as an immovable rock available to all.  They say: “The truth is here; let’s move to where we can all grab it.”
How are they distinguished in their use of the truth?
Ideologues wield truth like a weapon.
Pragmatists dodge truth like a plague.
Principle-centered people embrace truth like a life raft.

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