
miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2012

"Intellectuals" are able to "float free," to levitate above the laws that determine all other classes

The Marxian Doctrine of "Ideology"

It is a well-known irony and another deep flaw in the Marxian system that, for all the Marxian exaltation of the proletariat and the "proletarian mind," all leading Marxists, beginning with Marx and Engels, were emphatically bourgeois themselves. 

  • Marx was the son of a wealthy lawyer, his wife was a member of the Prussian nobility, and his brother-in-law Prussian minister of the interior. 
  • Friedrich Engels, his lifelong benefactor and collaborator, was the son of a wealthy manufacturer, and himself a manufacturer. 

Why were not their views and doctrines also determined by bourgeois class interests? 

What permitted their consciousness to rise above a system so powerful that it determines the views of everyone else?
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