lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

When it comes to acting like Protestants, the Protestants do it better. They have always done it better, and guess what? They always will do it better.

Converting Protestants - A Secret Method

I have a secret.  I know how to get more Protestants into the Catholic Church.  Would you like to know?  It's guaranteed to work with shocking effectiveness.  You'll get more Protestant converts to the Catholic Church than you know what to do with.  They'll come in small numbers at first, just a trickle really, but that will slowly grow into a torrent.  You won't know what to do with them all.  You'll probably have to build bigger parishes or add on to existing ones.  From these converts you will find the most faithful and passionate Catholics in your whole diocese.  You'll even get an increase in vocations, as Protestant ministers will convert too, many of whom will seek ordination to the priesthood under the terms of the Pastoral Provision that allows for married priests.  Did I peak your interest?  Well, sit down and read because I'm not just going to come out and tell you.  No.  Now that I have your attention, you'll have to read through my article.
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