martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

Obama dixit: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” - transforming nations is what radicals aspire to do.

  • I’m watching a panel of pundits on a news show analyze the upcoming presidential debates and latest reported polling data when one of them says ‘well the voters know Obama now, but they don’t yet know Romney…’ And I thought really?
  • Media have done everything they could to keep us from knowing Obama, his ideology and worldview and what informed him early in life through his rise in politics. Even today, we don’t hear much about the czars he’s put in power, answerable only to him, some with extreme views and radical backgrounds (note John Holdren and Van Jones, among others).
  • But we should know about the man who would be president, especially the one who currently is. 


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