domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012

John Paul the Great Catholic University is offering a FREE online crash course in the Catholic Faith

FREE Online Crash Course in the Catholic Faith


This is a project put together by the students at John Paul the Great and with the help and oversight of their professors.

In the span of just 13 weeks - one session per week - you'll get lessons on:
  1. Jesus and Apostolic Succession
  2. Natural Philosophy
  3. Proof for God's Existence
  4. Philosophical Anthropology
  5. Creation-Redemption
  6. Revelation
  7. The Trinity
  8. Church - Family of God - Mystical Body of Christ
  9. Sacraments - Marriage
  10. Eucharist
  11. Moral Issues
  12. Sins - Confession
  13. Prayer

Best of all - it's totally free.

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