lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

From Bellarmine’s work, modern American government can take a number of lessons

What Barack Obama Could Learn from St. Robert Bellarmine

Robert Bellarmine
Saint Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621), Jesuit, Cardinal, and doctor of the Church, was one of the most influential theologians and political writers in Europe in the years following the Reformation.  He sparred with Protestants, heretics, and other Catholics (including Pope Sixtus V, who tried to get some of Bellarmine’s work placed on the Index, but failed) and was a powerful force in the Congregation of the Inquisition.
From Bellarmine’s work, modern American government can take a number of lessons.  Here are three.
1.            The temporal power is different from the spiritual power.  ...
2.            The Church therefore has the right of self-government. ...
3.            Laws affect persons. ...

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