domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012

Books: A Doomed Marriage: Britain and Europe, by Daniel Hannan - Perhaps its author could apply for a European subsidy...


Daniel Hannan’s book deserves a wide audience.
  • Hannan writes from a British perspective, which I share.
  • Whenever I read the French press on the subject of the European crisis, for example, I’m struck by how little questions of freedom, political legitimacy, separation of powers, representative government, or the rule of law feature, even in articles by academic political philosophers. 
  • For them, the problem is mainly technical: that of finding a solution that will preserve the status quo (there is no such solution, but intelligent people searched for the philosopher’s stone for centuries).
  • Alas, the British political class is composed largely of careerists. 
  • The only thing that will move them to action is popular anger, which, though it exists, remains muted. 
  • One can only hope that it is not catastrophe that brings about change, but Hannan’s brilliant little book, which could hardly be bettered or, more importantly, refuted—not that anyone will try, since in the Eurocrats’ world, ignoring arguments is the highest form of refutation. 
  • A Doomed Marriage deserves the widest possible circulation.

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