miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012

"Do you believe healthcare is a basic human right?"

The Right to National Bankruptcy


The right to healthcare has become synonymous with the right to medical insurance that covers all health related expenses— that's a big economic problem. 

....one must consider the reality of what having a right to healthcare, as it is presently understood, actually means, and then consider who wins.
  • Does it mean that someone in a motor-vehicle accident has a right to emergency surgery that could save his life?
  • Does it mean that a teenager with leukemia has a right to potentially life-saving treatment?
  • Does it mean that a 60-year-old experiencing a major heart attack has a right to emergent therapy?
  • Does it mean that this same 60-year-old, after the heart attack is over, has a right to a cardiac rehabilitation program, routine office visits with a cardiologist, routine lab work, routine studies to monitor cardiac function, and life-long medications to control blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes knowing that doing these things will not eliminate the risk of another event but rather reduce it by a few percentage points a year?
  • Does it mean that this same person, 12 years down the road, has a right to an implantable cardioverter defibrillator, cardiac resynchronization therapy, and a left ventricular assist device for destination therapy when he eventually develops end-stage heart failure?

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