domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

Books: “Heresy: Ten Lies They Spread About Christianity”

Are we heading for a new Kulturkampf?

A combative Canadian journalist takes off the gloves in his latest book defending Christianity

Canadian columnist and broadcaster Michael Coren has just published another controversial book about Christianity in the public square. “Heresy: Ten Lies They Spread About Christianity” is on best-seller lists in Canada. MercatorNet interviewed him about his thought-provoking arguments.

MercatorNet: Is there a common thread? What is the biggest obstacle that Christianity faces in the 21st century in the West?

Difficult, because there are so many. Perhaps the death of the intellect. People are controlled by feelings, and have allowed emotion to dominate their values – witness Oprah, the death of Princess Diana, the morbid mock tears we see so regularly. Added to this is the war on self-restraint, whereas Christianity believes in order out of chaos, and the importance of dignity and self-control.

MercatorNet: Will this year’s election in the United States have an impact upon the future of Christianity?

Very much so. Obama is the first President who does not sincerely believe in the separation of church and state, which is, of course, a means to protect Christians from an established Church, not a way to save the state from Christianity. Even Clinton believed in this, and certainly the other Presidents. If Obama does win, he and some of the people around him will take serious Christianity into a newKulturkampf. I really believe this.

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